Friday, February 17, 2012

Hewlett-Packard Hedgehog Concept

Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced last August that it was planning on exiting the PC market, possible moving towards an increased emphasis in software development. Their new CEO, however, has stated that HP will continue to be primarily a PC hardware company. The hedgehog concept from Good to Great can be applied to this strategy decision.

What can we be the very best at?

Hewlett-Packard has spent years developing its products to meet its customer's expectations. While they are not the best in terms of hardware quality, they seem to be trying to be the very best at producing quality products for the low-end, price sensitive market. According to HP CEO Meg Whitman, their strategy is "to remain the largest provider of IT infrastructure, software, services and solutions for individuals of all size."

What can we be passionate about?

When asked about HP's hardware division, Meg Whitman said, "That's the core of who we are and we should stand up and be proud of that. We're a proud hardware company and we want to stand tall with you... Everything else we do builds and amplifies that opportunity." Certainly, HP feels like their core competency lies in the hardware division. Its other divisions such as software are meant to strengthen its core business of hardware production.

What drives your economic engine?

The third aspect of the Hedgehog concepts relates strongly to the concept of profit pools. HP has several different profit pools including software, PC hardware, printers, warranties, etc. According to their CEO, "Infrastructure is the core of HP's DNA... with 70 percent of HP revenue coming from servers, printers, storage, PCs and workstations."

Monday, February 6, 2012

JC Penny

JC Penny recently announced that instead of having massive sales discounts, they would move towards an everyday low-price strategy. This seems to apply to Porter's competitive advantage framework.

JC Penny traditionally has had a broad customer focus and a product differentiation strategy through its private label brands. With a lower everyday pricing model, it will shift towards a low cost, broad market strategy. This strategy seems to have some advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are that it can appeal to the price-sensitive groups by not making them wait for the huge discount sales. On the other hand, if they drop some of their private label brands because of lower sales prices, they may lose customers who feel that JC Penny represents value and quality. Also, price-sensitive shopper who get exciting about huge 50% off sales may be turned away from JC Penny because there is not as much perceived value in the everyday low prices.